Monday, February 5, 2018

The good news about the crytpo bubble bursting

It's clearly game over for crypto. I said before that the sooner the crypto bubble pops the better. News about crypto ETFs being pulled and credit card companies beginning to ban it is a GOOD thing (although I was hoping for  an ETF rollout so that I could buy puts on it). The longer this crypto mania would have continued the greater it would have infected the general economy when the inevitable collapse happened. Hopefully the fallout to the economy will be minimal although it's tough to say at this point how much unwinding of leverage and capital destruction this will result in. I for one will NOT take this fallout lightly. I really need to find out what kind of damage this has resulted in.


  1. Indraprastha Gas gets authorisation for Karnal CGD Network.
    Financial Advisory company

  2. Oil prices edged lower on Friday morning in Asia as Russia hinted it may increase output.
