Monday, September 21, 2009

A word from Barcelona

Hi all,

I´m writing this from Barcelona a little buzzed from drinking a little too much Sangria. Looking at the indicators and market action I haven´t changed my outlook. The market got maximum overbought and now it´s cooling off a bit here. Sooner or later we´re likely going to see a wack down to generate some fear. I´m guessing it happens either this week or next week.

One measure of sentiment that isn´t widely followed (therefore potentially more effective....shhh! don´t tell anyone!) is the blogger sentiment as measured by Birinyi Associates. It´s showing 63% Bulls and only 17% bears. This is the widest gap in the bull/bear ratio recording in the polls short history of 3 years. I should also note that this poll was showing stubborn bearishness all throught this rally untill now. Another thing that raised an eyebrow was when I read the Wallstreet journal over the weekend. There was a bullish article written by James Grant, a notorious permabear. He like me, was pointing out how economists and the fed had low expectations for this recovery which will probably turn out to be incorrect given how V shaped rebounds are the norm after a sharp drop in the economy. The average forecast for GDP growth for 2010 is about 2.5% which Grant feels will be easily exceeded.

Now here´s the rub. I think Grant has it right but from a ST perspective it seems that we may be seeing "Johnny come lately" bulls joining the party here. When permabears like Grant start talking bullish you know that it´´s getting late in the game with the rally which means the market may be vulnerable to a sharp correction or consolidation. Ya, I know, I´ve been saying this since SPX 1000 or so and I admit I was wrong but now we could actually see it happen. A push to around 1100 is not out of the question but more and more evidence supporting a immanent correction is appearing and so I´d keep a tight leash on any ST long side bets here. The only thing that is preventing me from making a short side bet is market action. Sentiment is giving the green light for a short side bet but market action itself is not and it´s latter than counts. You can have extreme bearishness/bullishness all you want but untill the market shows signs of acknowledging it, it is meaningless. Remember, in a bull market bullish sentiment is the norm and so you need to be carefull when claiming people are ¨too bullish¨ because being bullish is only natural in rising market.

Good luck everyone...I will try to make another post or 2 during the next 10 days or so while still in Spain


  1. >>blogger sentiment as measured by Birinyi Associates. It´s showing 63% Bulls and only 17% bears<<
    wondered where you sourced this data? September 21st Blogger Sentiment Poll shows 26.67% Bearish and 33.33% Bullish. Looks like the numbers you've got are ahead of these and make more sense to me in light of what other polls and sentiment measures are showing.
    thanks and hope you are having a great honeymoon, Barcelona is a wonderful city.

  2. Rob,

    Nodice here...You are right! The data I was viewing was from last year! thanks for the heads up.

    Barcelona is indeed an awsome city....I´m also going to madrid and I´ll be watching Real Madrid vs Marseille on the 30th field side!
